Silverscreen 12-Foot Outdoor Entertainment System w/ Epson Powerlite 710HD Projector
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"Silverscreen 12-Foot Outdoor Entertainment System w/ Epson Powerlite 710HD Projector" Feature
Ditch the cineplex with its 12-dollar snacks, cellphone symphonies and long lines for the comfort of your own back yard. The SilverScreen Backyard Theater Series gives you everything you need to host a spectacular big-screen presentation of your own -- an entire backyard movie theater in a box! (Okay, you have to supply your own snacks.) You get:1. Epson Powerlite 710HD Projector
2. Complete 12' diagonal or 16' diagonal QuikScreen and frame
3. Pair of 8" SAVI Speakers -- 1 "active" (w/amplifier) and 1 "passive" (fed by connection to the active speaker)
4. Pair of easy-setup speaker stands
5. Up-converting DVD player
6. 4 tie-out stakes
7. 4 10' cam buckle web straps with hooks
8. 25' audio speaker cable (¼" cable with 2 pairs of RCA connectors)
9. 25' ¼' X Speakon speaker cable (to connect active and passive speakers)
10. 20' outdoor extension cord
11. 3-way electrical splitter
12. Gear bag (holds all cables, stakes, cam buckles, extension cord and other accessories)
13. Media/storage cabinet (lockable heavy-duty plastic cabinet on wheels)
You'll find the SilverScreen Backyard Theater Series ideal for:
? Neighborhood movie or TV screenings
? Watching sports playoffs or championships with friends
? Wedding, engagement or graduation video presentations
? Gaming parties
? Any other video media you want to share with your friends, family and neighbors!
Easy setup and takedown, gorgeous visuals and heart-pumping audio - what more do you need for an immersive, fun home theater experience? Bring the big screen to you with the SilverScreen Backyard Theater Series.
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