Sherwood VR652 DVD Home Theater (Black)
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"Sherwood VR652 DVD Home Theater (Black)" Feature
Hollywood-at-Home DVD Theater with USB-Host, Progressive Scan, Dolby Virtual Speaker and Dolby Headphone decoding, 2 x 25W RMS for 2-way front speakers, 50W Subwoofer Overview:100 Watts RMS(minimum) / Dynamic Surround Dffects / 5 Minuts Set-up / Progressive Scan DVD Playback / AM/FM stereo Tunner with 40 presets / Elegant Design / Wall Mauntable Speakers / Playsvirtually all DVD's VCD's and CD's / Digital Colck, Timer On-Off, Sleep Timer, Auto Power Off / Full Function, Multi-Unit Control.Advanced Digital Processing Creates the Surround Sound ExperienceUsing an advanced model of human hearing adn DSP processing, Dolby Virtual Speaker provides a thrilling surround sound experience from only two front speakers.Left and right sounds come directly from the actual speakers in front of you, while surround sounds appear to come from imaginary speakers beside and slightly behind you.Surround Sound from 2-Channel(Conventional) HeadphonesExperience the impossible!Multi-Channel surround sound from stereo headphones.Dolby Headphone uses DSP processing to pre-encode each channel with the sonic signature of a 5-channel surround sound. Private listening will never be the same.
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